You’ve finally decided to move, huh? Congrats. That’s one big decision. You might have a load of things going on in your mind right now, and packing is surely one of those. So how will you pack your clothes? It’s tempting to clump them together, stuff them in a clean trash bag, and toss them inside the moving truck. However, you’ll want to organize your clothes to protect them from tearing apart. Besides, no responsible adult would recklessly handle their precious apparel, right?
Anyway, don’t worry. You’ll be a garment-packing master by the end of this guide. Without further delays, here’s what you need to do.
To Hang or To Fold or To Roll?
When you’re in a rush, it’s okay to stuff clothes in a bag or load your drawers as-is into the truck. Keep in mind that this life hack increases the probability of the fabric getting damaged. Naturally, you don’t want this happening, especially to expensive clothes.
Alright. Now that trash bagging is out of the equation, you’ve got three other options: to hang, to fold, and to roll. A general rule of thumb suggests hanging delicate garments like dresses, suits, and jackets. Next, you’ll want to fold clothing made from natural cotton, and then roll smaller fabric such as socks, underwear, and light t-shirts to better utilize space.
Relax. You’ll get to the best folding methods later. As of now, learning how to streamline the packing process comes first.
Sweep Your Wardrobe Clean
More clothes means more weight. More weight means higher moving costs and less space for other important stuff in the truck. That’s why you’ll want to clear out your wardrobe of things that don’t matter anymore.
But before going on a purging spree, grab a dress from your wardrobe and ask yourself these:
- When was the last time I wore this?
- Does wearing this makes me feel good?
- How would I feel if I throw it away?
- Does it still fit me?
Do this for each piece of clothing. Evaluate its worth. If you haven’t worn something for a long time, chances are you won’t be wearing it after the move. Sell or donate garments that you don’t need anymore. You can do this for clothes your kids have outgrown as well.
Get Organized
Don’t rest easy just yet! The battle’s only beginning. It’s now time to sort your clothes, so they don’t wind up as a huge mess in your new home. Here’s how to do it:
- Separate the delicates. Delicate means garments that are worn only for special occasions. This includes tuxedos, gowns, and other things you’d typically wear to a wedding or gala. Don’t forget that underwear can also be considered delicate.
- Sort your day-to-day clothing. You’ll want t-shirts and polos to be together. The same goes for shorts, pants, and your work attire.
- Categorize by season. Group your winter clothing and gear in a garment box. Do this for your summer wear as well. Remember to clump the bottoms and the tops separately to avoid mixing up.

It’s Time to Pack!
At last! The most awaited moment has arrived. Since you’ve already sorted everything out, all that’s left to do is box up your clothes.
- Arrange delicate clothing inside garment bags. Hang them inside a moving wardrobe box to protect them from dust and minimize wrinkling.
- Buying wardrobe boxes for all your clothes can be expensive. As explained earlier, you can fold cotton and linen garments and stuff them inside a compression bag. It is best to add bulkier clothes first, followed by smaller ones.
- If space isn’t a problem, you can fold your clothes neatly into a pile and place them inside a regular moving box.
- Pack a necessities box with essentials like a fresh pair of clothes, a toothbrush, toilet paper, and bathroom products to help you survive the first day of your transition.
Best Folding Techniques
Depending on your time constraints, there are different methods to pack your clothes properly. shares some useful ones:
- Flat folding (shirts): The most common folding technique known to man. Start by laying the shirt on a flat surface with the back facing up. Fold it sleeve to sleeve, then fold the bottom part upwards, so it meets the collar.
- Flat folding (shorts and pants): Just fold the cloth lengthwise and fold the top and bottom together into thirds.
- Konmari Folding: This is a minimalistic approach to folding by pro-organizer Marie Kondo. It’s basically a reverse of the traditional flat-folding method. You begin by folding the bottom upwards first, then fold the sleeves together to form a neat square.
- Military roll-up: Although it’s a bit more complicated, you might want to use this to save more space.
- Start by taking the bottom hem of the shirt and flip it inside out.
- Fold one half of the shirt, making it touch the center, and fold in the sleeve on that side.
- Take the other half of the shirt and fold it over the first half.
- Fold the other sleeve in. Now roll it. Start at the top of the shirt and roll downward as tightly as you can.
- Remember that inside-out part of the shirt? This will create a pouch that you’ll want to fold over the rolled-up shirt.

And you’re done! You’re now ready to prepare your clothes for relocation. It might take a while but take your time. Make sure to reward yourself with a box of pizza or a cup of coffee after!